Stunning replica of little known Antonov AN-14 (Plasticart 1/72 kit) in excellent and rare soviet air force camo will strongly impress your scalemates & girlfriends for years to come...
Model will be safely packed and fixed inside the box. However, due to its extremly fragile nature, some small parts like pitot tube, landing gear, antenna etc. may not survive transportation, but you can easily fix them back with a CA glue and my closest guidance... And as usual will be swiftly dispatched within an hour of payment with registered airmail to any inhabitable corner of the entire universe!
Отличная модель армейского варианта знаменитой антоновской "пчелки", займет достойное место в любой приличной компании "военно-пылевых" транспортных самолетов ХХ века, особенно если неохота заморачиваться со сборкой и покраской этой довольно капризной модели...